JSON officer data
The JSON data below is the source data which was used by Companies In The UK.
- Published
- 15 October 2021 18:27
{ "address" : { "country" : "England", "locality" : "Leeds", "premises" : "49", "postal-code" : "LS12 1XD", "address-line-1" : "Town Street", "address-line-2" : "Armley" }, "country-of-residence" : "England", "appointed-on" : "2021-10-15", "occupation" : "Engineer", "name" : "ABBAS, Binyamin", "nationality" : "British", "date-of-birth" : { "year" : 1984, "month" : 2 }, "officer-role" : "director", "links" : { "self" : "/company/13683710/appointments/7J-9_vyWO02sL6SWVg5cpEvR5h4" } }
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