UK Gazette Notices

13 September 2023
BENFIELD AND LOXLEY (OXFORD) LIMITED (Company Number 01234012) Previous Name of Company: Fisher and Townsend (Developments) Limited Registered office: c/o Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL Principal trading address: Old Bank House, 166 Oxford Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2LA At a General Meeting of the members of the above named Company, duly convened and held at the offices of Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL on 8 September 2023 the following Special Resolution was duly passed: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Debi Harvey (IP No. 12150) of Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of winding up the Company.” For further details contact: Tel: 01635 770 941. Sara Murray, Chair 8 September 2023 Ag GJ60850 BRK BRANDS (UK) (Company Number 00677149) Registered office: 200 Berskhire Place Wharfedale Road, Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham, Berks, RG41 5RD Principal trading address: N/A Pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 13 of the Companies Act 2006, the following resolutions were passed by the members of the Company on 6 September 2023 as Special and Ordinary Written Resolutions: "That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Ian McCulloch (IP No. 18532) and Gareth David Wilcox (IP No. 21052) both of Opus Restructuring LLP, 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company and they be empowered to act jointly or severally in matters relating to the winding-up." Further details contact: Kathryn Smith, Tel: 01908 752942. Elizabeth Jane Earle, Director 8 September 2023 Ag GJ60799

13 September 2023
BENFIELD AND LOXLEY (OXFORD) LIMITED (Company Number 01234012) Previous Name of Company: Fisher and Townsend (Developments) Limited Registered office: c/o Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL Principal trading address: Old Bank House, 166 Oxford Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2LA I, Debi Harvey (IP No. 12150) of Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL give notice that I was appointed Liquidator by resolutions of the members on 8 September 2023. Notice is hereby given that creditors of the above named company, which is being voluntarily wound up, are required, on or before 3 November 2023, to send in their full forenames and surnames, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their debts or claims and the name and address of their solicitors (if any) to the undersigned Debi Harvey of Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround of 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL, the Liquidator of the said company, and if so required by notice in writing from the said Liquidator, are, personally or by their solicitors, to come in and prove their debts or claims at such time and place as may be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution. Note: This notice is purely formal. All creditors have been or will be paid in full. For further details contact: Tel: 01635 770 941. D J Harvey, Liquidator 8 September 2023 Ag GJ60850 BRK BRANDS (UK) (Company Number 00677149) Registered office: 200 Berskhire Place Wharfedale Road, Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham, Berks, RG41 5RD Principal trading address: N/A We, Ian McCulloch (IP No. 18532) and Gareth David Wilcox (IP No. 21052) both of Opus Restructuring LLP, 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ hereby give notice that we were appointed Joint Liquidators of the above named Company on 6 September 2023 by a resolution of members. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the above named Company which is being voluntarily wound up, are required on or before 7 October 2023 to prove their debts by sending to the undersigned Ian McCulloch of Opus Restructuring LLP, 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ, the Liquidator of the company, written statements of the amounts they claim to be due to them from the company and, if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary evidence as may appear to the liquidator to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved this debt before the declaration of any dividend is not entitled to disturb, by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of that dividend or any other dividend declared before his debt was proved. This notice is purely formal and all known creditors have been or will be paid in full. Further details contact: Kathryn Smith, Tel: 01908 087220, Email: [email protected]. Ian McCulloch, Joint Liquidator 6 September 2023 Ag GJ60799 OTHER NOTICES

13 September 2023
Name of Company: BENFIELD AND LOXLEY (OXFORD) LIMITED Company Number: 01234012 Nature of Business: Construction Previous Name of Company: Fisher and Townsend (Developments) Limited Registered office: c/o Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL Type of Liquidation: Members Date of Appointment: 8 September 2023 Debi Harvey (IP No. 12150) of Harveys Insolvency & Turnaround Limited, 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL By whom Appointed: Members Ag GJ60850

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