JSON charge data
The JSON data below is the source data which was used by Companies In The UK.
- Published
- 7 December 2021 13:28
{ "charge-number" : 15, "created-on" : "2018-07-16", "delivered-on" : "2018-07-19", "etag" : "b242eda15f0223ebf10c3a6986eb800da3345573", "classification" : { "type" : "charge-description", "description" : "A registered charge" }, "particulars" : { "type" : "brief-description", "description" : "Boal aluminium ashby road shepshed t/no LT174142. 11 harrington road shepshed t/no LT203928.", "contains-fixed-charge" : true, "contains-floating-charge" : true, "contains-negative-pledge" : true, "floating-charge-covers-all" : true }, "status" : "fully-satisfied", "satisfied-on" : "2021-12-07", "transactions" : [ { "links" : { "filing" : "/company/02194180/filing-history/MzIxMDY2Nzc3M2FkaXF6a2N4" }, "filing-type" : "create-charge-with-deed", "delivered-on" : "2018-07-19" }, { "links" : { "filing" : "/company/02194180/filing-history/MzI3Njk0Nzc3NWFkaXF6a2N4" }, "filing-type" : "charge-part-release", "delivered-on" : "2020-09-04" }, { "links" : { "filing" : "/company/02194180/filing-history/MzMyMDAyMTc0MmFkaXF6a2N4" }, "filing-type" : "charge-part-both", "delivered-on" : "2021-11-12" }, { "links" : { "filing" : "/company/02194180/filing-history/MzMyMjc1NDE2OGFkaXF6a2N4" }, "filing-type" : "charge-satisfaction", "delivered-on" : "2021-12-07" } ], "persons-entitled" : [ { "name" : "Hayfin Services LLP (As Security Agent)" } ], "links" : { "self" : "/company/02194180/charges/7wbjPEevvNGOHWyv1rO9P1yO0M4" }, "charge-code" : "021941800015" }
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