JSON updates data
The JSON data below is the source data which was used by Companies In The UK.
- Published
- 17 July 2024 15:34
{ "sic-codes" : [ "55100" ], "date-of-creation" : "2024-07-17", "company-status" : "active", "company-number" : "15844607", "jurisdiction" : "england-wales", "company-name" : "CODE (ELEPHANT & CASTLE) LTD", "type" : "ltd", "etag" : "d9a6b74c57226746a2364e5960368e50318e37a3", "can-file" : true, "registered-office-address" : { "country" : "England", "locality" : "London", "postal-code" : "EC3V 9DU", "address-line-1" : "C/O Johnston Carmichael Birchin Court", "address-line-2" : "20 Birchin Lane" }, "confirmation-statement" : { "next-due" : "2025-07-30", "next-made-up-to" : "2025-07-16" }, "accounts" : { "next-due" : "2026-04-17", "last-accounts" : { "type" : "null" }, "next-accounts" : { "due-on" : "2026-04-17", "period-end-on" : "2025-07-31", "period-start-on" : "2024-07-17" }, "next-made-up-to" : "2025-07-31", "accounting-reference-date" : { "day" : "31", "month" : "07" } }, "links" : { "self" : "/company/15844607", "officers" : "/company/15844607/officers", "filing-history" : "/company/15844607/filing-history", "persons-with-significant-control" : "/company/15844607/persons-with-significant-control" } }
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