UK Gazette Notices

9 March 2016
DAP HOLDINGS LIMITED (Company Number 02333157) Previous Name of Company: Dial-A-Phone Holdings Limited; Roman Rentals 080 Limited; Roman Rentals 080 plc Registered office: Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4RY Principal trading address: Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4RY The Company was placed into Members’ Voluntary Liquidation on 29 February 2016 when Stephen Roland Browne and Christopher Richard Frederick Day of Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ were appointed Joint Liquidators. The Company is able to pay all its known creditors in full. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 4.182A of the Insolvency Rules 1986, that the Joint Liquidators of the Company intend making a final distribution to creditors. Creditors of the Company are required to prove their debts before 30 March 2016 by sending to C R F Day, Joint Liquidator at Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ written statements of the amount they claim to be due to them from the Company. They must also, if so requested, provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Joint Liquidators to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved his debt before 30 March 2016 or who increases the claim in his proof after that date, will not be entitled to disturb the intended final distribution. The Joint Liquidators may make the intended distribution without regard to the claim of any person in respect of a debt not proved or claim increased by that date. The Joint Liquidators intend that, after paying or providing for a final distribution in respect of the claims of all creditors who have proved their debts, the funds remaining in the hands of the Joint Liquidators shall be distributed to shareholders absolutely. Office Holder details: Stephen Roland Browne,(IP No. 009281) and Christopher Richard Frederick Day,(IP No. 008072) both of Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ. The Joint Liquidators can be contacted at Deloitte LLP on 020 7007 2553. Stephen Roland Browne and Christopher Richard Frederick Day, Joint Liquidators 02 March 2016

9 March 2016
Company Number: 02333157 Name of Company: DAP HOLDINGS LIMITED Previous Name of Company: Dial-A-Phone Holdings Limited; Roman Rentals 080 Limited; Roman Rentals 080 plc Nature of Business: Holding company Type of Liquidation: Members Registered office: Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4RY Principal trading address: Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4RY Stephen Roland Browne,(IP No. 009281) and Christopher Richard Frederick Day,(IP No. 008072) both of Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ. The Joint Liquidators can be contacted at Deloitte LLP on 020 7007 2553. Date of Appointment: 29 February 2016 By whom Appointed: The Company

18 May 2016
DAP HOLDINGS LIMITED (Company Number 02333157) Previous Name of Company: Dial-A-Phone Holdings Limited (until 11 March 2008); Roman Rentals 080 Limited (until 13 July 1998); Roman Rentals 080 PLC (until 23 January 1998 Registered office: Hill House, 1 Little New Street, London EC4A 3TR Principal trading address: Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4RY Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 94 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended), that a final General Meeting of the Company will be held at Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ on 23 June 2016 at 10.00 am, for the purpose of receiving an account showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Joint Liquidators. The meeting will also consider and, if thought fit, pass the following ordinary resolution: “That the Joint Liquidators’ statement of account for the period of the liquidation be approved.” Any member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. Proxy forms to be used at the meeting must be lodged with the Joint Liquidators at Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ no later than 12.00 noon on the preceding business day. Date of Appointment: 29 February 2016. Office Holder details: Stephen Roland Browne, (IP No. 009281) and Christopher Richard Frederick Day, (IP No. 008072) both of Deloitte LLP, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3BQ Please contact Rosie Pang-Florence on +44 (0) 20 7007 2553 or e- mail: [email protected] for further information. Stephen Roland Browne and Christopher Richard Frederick Day, Joint Liquidators 12 May 2016

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