UK Gazette Notices

19 January 2015
DROFLEM LIMITED (Company Number 00968851) Previous Name of Company: Melford Electronics Limited Registered office: Ground Floor, Belmont Place, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6TB Principal trading address: Cressex Business Park, 14 Blenheim Road, High Wycombe, HP12 3RS By Order of the Board, notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 98 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 1986 that a meeting of creditors will be held at Holiday Inn Hotel, Handy Cross, High Wycombe, HP11 1TL, on 27 January 2015, at 1.15 pm for the purposes mentioned in sections, 99, 100 and 101 of the said Act. A list of names and addresses of the Company’s Creditors will be available for inspection at the offices of KRE Corporate Recovery LLP, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 4SA, on the two business days preceding the Meeting. For further details contact: Gareth Roberts, Tel: 01189 47 90 90. Richard George, Director 12 January 2015

9 February 2015
DROFLEM LIMITED (Company Number 00968851) Trading Name: Melford Electronics Limited Previous Name of Company: Melford Electronics Limited Registered office: c/o KRE Corporate Recovery, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4SA Principal trading address: Cressex Business Park, 14 Blenheim Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RS At a general meeting of the above named company, duly convened and held at Holiday Inn Hotel, Handy Cross, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1TL on 27 January 2015 the subjoined Special Resolution was passed: “That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this meeting that the Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Gareth Roberts and Rob Keyes, both of KRE Corporate Recovery LLP, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 4SA, (IP Nos. 001839 and 001838) be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company on 27 January 2015 for the purposes of such winding up.” The Joint Liquidators can be contacted on Tel: 0118 947 9090. Alternative contact: Ben Briscoe, Email: [email protected] Richard George, Director

9 February 2015
Company Number: 00968851 Name of Company: DROFLEM LIMITED Trading Name: Melford Electronics Limited Previous Name of Company: Melford Electronics Limited Nature of Business: Design & manufacturer of specialised monitor products Type of Liquidation: Creditors Registered office: c/o KRE Corporate Recovery, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4SA Principal trading address: Cressex Business Park, 14 Blenheim Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RS Gareth Roberts and Rob Keyes, both of KRE Corporate Recovery LLP, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 4SA. Office Holder Numbers: 001839 and 001838. The Joint Liquidators can be contacted on Tel: 0118 947 9090. Alternative contact: Ben Briscoe, Email: [email protected] Date of Appointment: 27 January 2015 By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

23 September 2015
DROFLEM LIMITED (Company Number 00968851) Previous Name of Company: Melford Electronics Limited Registered office: C/O KRE Corporate Recovery, Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4SA Principal trading address: Cressex Business Park, 14 Blenheim Road, High Wycombe, HP12 3RS Notice is hereby given that creditors of the Company are required, on or before 23 October 2015, to prove their debts by sending their full names and addresses, particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to the Joint Liquidators at KRE Corporate Recovery LLP, Dukesbridge House, 23 Dukes Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4SA. If so required by notice in writing from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must, either personally or by their solicitors, come in and prove their debts at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their debts are proved. Date of appointment: 27 January 2015. Office Holder details: Gareth Wyn Roberts (IP No: 8826) and Paul Ellison (IP No: 7254) both of KRE Corporate Recovery LLP, Dukesbridge House, 23 Dukes Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4SA. Further details contact: The Liquidators, Email: [email protected] Alternative contact: Ben Briscoe Gareth Wyn Roberts and Paul Ellison, Joint Liquidators 16 September 2015

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