UK Gazette Notices

22 May 2015
GET ME STAFF RECRUITMENT SERVICES LIMITED (Company Number 06838631) Registered office: c/o Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Principal trading address: 45 Hagley Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1QR Date of appointment: 10 October 2012 Date by which Creditors must submit their claims: 24 June 2015 Address to which Creditors must submit their claims: Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Name, IP number, firm and address of Office Holder 1: Scott Christian Bevan (IP No. 009614), Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Name, IP number, firm and address of Office Holder 2: Simon David Chandler (IP No. 008822), Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Telephone number: 0121 232 9546 RESOLUTION FOR WINDING-UP Alternative person to contact with enquiries about the case: Emma Harper

10 March 2016
GET ME STAFF RECRUITMENT SERVICES LIMITED (Company Number 06838631) Registered office: c/o Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Principal trading address: 45 Hagley Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1QR Rule 4.126(1), Insolvency Rules 1986 and Section 106(2), Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) Date of appointment: 10 October 2012 Place of Meetings: Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Date of Meetings: 29 April 2016 Time of Members Meeting: 10.15 am Time of Creditors Meeting: 10.30 am Place at which proxies and proofs must be lodged: Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Date to lodge proxies and proofs: The business day prior to the meetings Time to lodge proxies and proofs: 12 noon Name, IP number, firm and address of Office Holder 1: Scott Christian Bevan (IP No. 009614), Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Name, IP number, firm and address of Office Holder 2: Simon David Chandler (IP No. 008822), Mazars LLP, 45 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2RT Telephone number for contact: 0121 232 9546 Alternative person to contact with enquiries about the case: Emma Harper

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