UK Gazette Notices

25 February 2015
HUSKY GROUP LIMITED (Company Number 00669115) Registered office: 109 Swan Street, Sileby, Leicestershire LE12 7NN Principal trading address: The 4 Degree Centre, Bilton Way, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4JA Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 106 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the Final General Meeting of the members of the Company will be held at the offices of Elwell Watchorn & Saxton LLP, 109 Swan Street, Sileby, Leicestershire LE12 7NN, on 27 March 2015 at 10.00 am, to be followed at 10.15 am by the Final Meeting of the Creditors of the Company, to have an account laid before them showing how the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and to hear any explanations that may be given by the Liquidator. A member/creditor entitled to attend and vote at the above meetings is entitled to appoint a proxy, who need not be a member/creditor of the company, to attend and vote instead of them. A form of proxy together with proof of claim (unless previously submitted) must be lodged at 109 Swan Street, Sileby, Leicestershire LE12 7NN no later than 12.00 noon on 26 March 2015. Date of appointment: 8 January 2010. Office Holder details: David John Watchorn, (IP No. 8686) of Elwell Watchorn & Saxton LLP, 109 Swan Street, Sileby, Leicestershire LE12 7NN In the event of any questions regarding the above please contact David John Watchorn on 01509 815150. D J Watchorn, Liquidator 20 February 2015

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