II 1000 LTD

JSON people data

The JSON data below is the source data which was used by Companies In The UK.

  "address" : {
    "country" : "England",
    "locality" : "Stockport",
    "premises" : "Building 1000",
    "postal-code" : "SK4 2HG",
    "address-line-1" : "Yew Street"
  "name-elements" : {
    "title" : "Mr",
    "surname" : "Dwan",
    "forename" : "Michael"
  "country-of-residence" : "United Kingdom",
  "name" : "Mr Michael Dwan",
  "notified-on" : "2016-04-06",
  "nationality" : "British",
  "etag" : "ccba27dccf1c771d438f06cdb2c6e40d97da7e77",
  "date-of-birth" : {
    "year" : 1959,
    "month" : 11
  "natures-of-control" : [ "ownership-of-shares-75-to-100-percent", "voting-rights-75-to-100-percent" ],
  "kind" : "individual-person-with-significant-control",
  "links" : {
    "self" : "/company/08586146/persons-with-significant-control/individual/eHOoju-db0kQk3bdpnfQ1wnN5dI"

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