UK Gazette Notices

6 July 2015
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division Manchester District RegistryNo 2678 of 2015 OSPREYFRANK PLC (Company Number 04134409) Nature of Business: Management activities of holding companies Registered office: 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF Principal trading address: 6th Floor City Point, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AH Date of Appointment: 26 June 2015 Lindsey Cooper and Jeremy Woodside (IP Nos 8931 and 9515), both of Baker Tilly Business Services Limited, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF Contact details of case manager: Alex Koffman on tel: 0161 830 4000. In the HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN NORTHERN IRELAND CHANCERY DIVISION No 17758 of 2015

24 August 2015
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division Manchester District RegistryNo 2678 of 2015 OSPREYFRANK PLC Trading Name: Proventec Plc (Company Number 04134409) Registered office: 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF (Previous registered name in the last 12 months: 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES) Principal trading address: 49 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9EW Joint Administrators appointed to the above company on: Lindsey Cooper and Jeremy Woodside 26 June 2015 Capacity in which office holder acting: Joint Administrator Venue: Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, 9th Floor, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF Date: 4 September 2015 Time: 11:00 am Purpose: Considering and, if thought fit, approving the proposals of the Joint Administrators for achieving the objectives of the administration, and also to consider establishing, if thought fit, a creditors’ committee. Entitlement to Vote: Please note that a creditor is entitled to vote only if he has delivered to the Joint Administrators at Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF not later than 12:00 hours on 3 September 2015 details in writing of the debt claimed to be due from the company, and the claim has been duly admitted under the provisions of the Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended) and there has been lodged with the Joint Administrators any proxy which the creditor intends to be used on his behalf. A person authorised to represent a corporation must produce to the chairman of the meeting a copy of the resolution from which their authority is derived. The copy resolution must be under seal of the corporation, or certified by the secretary or director of the corporation as a true copy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, for the purposes of PARAGRAPH 49(6) OF SCHEDULE B1 to the Act, that members of the company should write to Lindsey Cooper at Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF for copies of the Joint Administrators’ Statement of Proposals. Correspondence address & contact details of case manager: Alex Koffman, 0161 830 4065, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF Name, address & contact details of Joint Administrators Lindsey Cooper, Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF, 8931, 0161 830 4031 Jeremy Woodside, Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF, 9515, 0161 834 3313 In the Manchester District Registry Chancery DivisionNo 2807 of 2015

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