UK Gazette Notices

18 November 2015
RITESTAR LIMITED (Company Number 02708914) Registered office: 34 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 5NN Principal trading address: Unit 6/7, Moor Park Industrial Centre, Tolpits Lane, Watford, WD18 9SP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, per section 98 of the INSOLVENCY ACT 1986, that a meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held at 34 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 5NN on 25 November 2015 at 2.15 pm for the purposes of receiving the director’s Statement of Affairs, appointing a liquidator and if the creditors think fit, appointing a Liquidation Committee. Creditors may attend and vote at the meeting by proxy or in person. In order to be entitled to vote at the meeting, creditors must lodge their proxies (unless they are individual creditors attending in person), together with a statement of their claim at the offices of Quantuma LLP, 14th Floor, Dukes Keep, Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX not later than 12.00 noon on 24 November 2015. The meeting may receive information about, or be asked to approve resolutions relating to the costs of convening the meeting and assisting the Directors in preparing the Statement of Affairs and report for presentation at the meeting. Nicholas Simmonds (IP No. 9570) and Andrew Watling (IP No. 15910) of Quantuma LLP, 14th Floor, Dukes Keep, Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX are qualified to act as Insolvency Practitioners in relation to the Company and will provide creditors free of charge with such information concerning the company’s affairs as is reasonably required. Alternative contact: Melanie Croucher, [email protected], 023 8033 6464. George Jaspal Singh for and on behalf of Ritebond Limited 10 November 2015

7 December 2015
RITESTAR LIMITED (Company Number 02708914) Registered office: 34 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 5NN Principal trading address: Unit 6/7 Moor Park Industrial Centre, Tolpits Lane, Watford, WD18 9SP At a General Meeting of the Company, duly convened, and held at 34 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 5NN on 25 November 2015, the following resolutions were passed, No 1 as a Special Resolution and No 2 as an Ordinary Resolution: 1. “That the Company be wound up voluntarily”; and 2. “That Nicholas Simmonds and Andrew Watling, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, be appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company and that they be authorised to act jointly and severally”. Contact details: Nicholas Simmonds and Andrew Watling both of Quantuma LLP, 14th Floor Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX. (IP Nos 9570 and Nos 15910). 02380 336464 and [email protected]. Alternative contact Melanie Croucher, [email protected], 02380 821870. George Jaspal Singh, For and on behalf of Ritebond Limited, Chairman

7 December 2015
Name of Company: RITESTAR LIMITED Company Number: 02708914 Registered office: 34 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 5NN Principal trading address: Unit 6/7 Moor Park Industrial Centre, Tolpits Lane, Watford, WD18 9SP Nature of Business: Wholesale of Textiles Type of Liquidation: Creditors Nicholas Simmonds and Andrew Watling both of Quantuma LLP, 14th Floor Dukes Keep, 1 Marsh Lane, Southampton, SO14 3EX. 02380 [email protected]. Alternative contact Melanie Croucher, [email protected], 02380 821870. Office Holder Numbers: 9570 and 15910. Date of Appointment: 25 November 2015 By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

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