UK Gazette Notices

3 September 2015
SVITZER HUMBER LIMITED (Company Number 00524008) Previous Name of Company: Adsteam Humber Limited, Howard Smith (Humber) Limited, Humber Tugs Limited

3 September 2015
SVITZER HUMBER LIMITED (Company Number 00524008) Previous Name of Company: Adsteam Humber Limited, Howard Smith (Humber) Limited, Humber Tugs Limited

3 September 2015
Company Number: 00524008 Name of Company: SVITZER HUMBER LIMITED Previous Name of Company: Adsteam Humber Limited, Howard Smith (Humber) Limited, Humber Tugs Limited Nature of Business: Ship Towage and Marine Services

7 July 2017
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry No 0185 of 2017 Notice is hereby given that, by an Order of the Court dated 23 June 2017: 1. Peter William Gray (IP number 009405) of Baldwins Restructuring & Insolvency, Wynyard Park House, Wynyard Avenue, Wynyard, TS22 5TB was removed as Office Holder/Joint Office Holder in all of the cases listed below. 2. Andrew Little (IP number 009668) and Kerry Pearson (IP number 016014) both of Baldwins Restructuring & Insolvency, Wynyard Park House, Wynyard Avenue, Wynyard, TS22 5TB were appointed as Joint Office Holders for the companies listed on schedule 1a. 3. Andrew Little (IP number 009668) of Baldwins Restructuring & Insolvency, Wynyard Park House, Wynyard Avenue, Wynyard, TS22 5TB was appointed as Joint Office Holder for the companies listed on schedules 1b, 1d and 3. 4. Kerry Pearson (IP number 016014) of Baldwins Restructuring & Insolvency, Wynyard Park House, Wynyard Avenue, Wynyard, TS22 5TB be appointed as Joint Office Holder for the companies listed on schedules 1c and 2. 5. Peter William Gray is not required to file any progress reports upon ceasing to act as office holder pursuant to this order. 6. Notice of this Order shall be given when next reporting to creditors in accordance with their statutory obligations. 7. Pursuant to Paragraph 98 of schedule B1 to the Act, Section 7(4) of the Act, Peter William Gray be discharged from liability in respect of any action as administrator or supervisor of the companies and individuals listed in the schedules, with effect from 28 days of the present notice, save in respect of any claim notified to the Applicants by that date. 8. Pursuant to Rule 22 of Schedule 4 of the Rules and paragraph 22 to Part II of Schedule 4 of the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994 and Section 263(4) of the Act, Peter William Gray be at liberty to apply to the Secretary of State for his release as liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy of the companies, the partnership and individuals listed in the schedules with effect from 28 days of the present notice, save in respect of any Applicants by that date. 9. There be liberty to each creditor of each matter listed in the Schedules to apply to vary or discharge this Order insofar as it relates to the estate of which they are a creditor within 28 days of the present notice for the purposes of applying to vary or discharge the Order in so far as it affects the company(ies) or individuals’ estates of which they are a creditor. OTHER NOTICES 10. Peter William Gray is not required to submit any reports in respect of any of the administration and the voluntary liquidations listed in the schedules as section 7a of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 would otherwise require. 11. The replacement Office Holders shall notify and file any appropriate notices in respect of this order with the Secretary of State, the Registrar of Companies and the appropriate courts. 12. The costs of the application and implementing the Order shall be borne by Baldwins Restructuring & Insolvency. SCHEDULE 1A BANKRUPTCIES Karen Greenwood Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1236 of 2011 Karen Therese Baglee Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1236 of 2011 Kevin Bowes Durham County Court 330 of 2011 Paul Ashley Crewe County Court 7 of 2012 Susan Ashley Crewe County Court 6 of 2012 Susan Nicholson Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1140 of 2013 Tariq Mahmood Nazir Middlesbrough County Court 23 of 2013 INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENTS Aarti Desai Workington County Court 8 of 2015 Alan Fairbairn Audrey Fagan Dewi Eirwyn Lewis Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 793 of 2012 Eirian Davies Essam Hassanien Gillian Patricia Dalziel Workington County Court 7 of 2015 Ian Dalziel Iris Robertson Joseph Fagan Sudhir Desai Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 794 of 2012 Susan May Hassanien PARTNERSHIP LIQUIDATIONS Karen Greenwood & Karen Therese Baglee T/A David Warden Solicitors Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1235 of 2011 COMPULSORY LIQUIDATIONS Matail Services Ltd 06643295 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 4 of 2012 P & S Ashley Crewe County Court 262 of 2011 SCHEDULE 1B CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Captus Pronet Limited 06750384 SCHEDULE 1C ADMINISTRATIONS Opus Fine Art Ltd 07300570 BANKRUPTCIES Christopher Brian Charnock Liverpool County Court 756 of 2016 Denise Violet Robertson Middlesbrough County Court 224 of 2013 Donald Charles O'Rourke Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1659 of 2011 Ernie Redfearn Darlington County Court 29 of 2016 Gavin Howard McDonic Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 427 of 2015 Geoffrey Kenneth Aston Birmingham County Court 217 of 2016 John Malcolm Bayles Durham County Court 184 of 2013 Juliette Amanda Collender Office of the Adjudicator 5005314 of 2016 Kais Abdul Sattar Al- Ani Middlesbrough County Court 313 of 2013 Manjit Kaur Bariana Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 245 of 2016 Mohammad Munir Ahmad Middlesbrough County Court 25 of 2015 Sukhvinder Singh Bariana Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 244 of 2016 COMPANY VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENTS Wood Heat Limited 07967169 Middlesbrough County Court 87 of 2016 CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS A & B Hospitality Limited 08735903 A.G.M. Recruitment Ltdq 05447341 A.P.T. Electronics Limited 02506767 Asian Bar And Kitchen Limited 08724546 British Flooring Contract Services Limited CD Electrical Limited 05147499 Clickdrom Limited 06093598 Croftoak Engineering Ltd 03888509 D W Bathrooms and Ceramics Limited Dene Films Limited 06230180 Diamond Cut Alloy Wheels Ltd 08138809 Dream Worldwide Productions Limited Duraflex Agency Limited 05481852 Eagle Decorators Limited 03322832 Elizabeths Restaurant (NE) Limited Enterprise Accident Repair Centre Limited G Gill Foods Limited 06337855 G Gill Leisure Limited 06337909 Groundbreaker Utilities Limited 06795027 Guardian Windows (Hartlepool) Limited House of Curtains Limited 03186873 ISOS-Films Limited 08071784 J A D Estates Limited 04430593 J O S Commercials Limited 07030426 Jo Hand Recruitment Limited 05696347 John Saunders Productions Limited K B Servicing Catering Limited 04957181 Klass Act (Outlets) Limted 05940492 Longmeadows Enterprise Limited 08018421 M & T Bell Ltd 06398800 Madaca Limited 04643171 Matrix Construction & Developments Limited Mister Twisters Limited 04447619 MSV Electrical Superstore Limited 04047070 N.E.F. Ltd 03229311 New York Trading Company Limited North East Restoration Ltd 07648998 Orchid Kitchens & Bedrooms Ltd 04600333 Oven Restaurant Limited 06012311 P.D.S. UK (North East) Limited 06480562 Restaurants Darlington Ltd 03921289 S & W Energy Associates Limited 04002998 Scaffolding North East Limited 07251693 Simonside Social Workmen's Club and Institute Limited IP12358R Skate Shack Ltd 06063848 Steele Machine Dynamics Limited 09018654 TKAP Limited 03769656 Tyre Solution (N.E) Ltd 06674001 Ultimate Security Solutions (UK) Limited Viking Shutter Services Limited 03744154 OTHER NOTICES Volkswerk Limited 07940775 Witton Gilbert and District Workmens Club Limited IP03922R INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENTS Tamsin Tabitha Annemarie Dyer Traci Louise McNally Stuart Andrew Campbell Robert George Garrard MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Shoreline Private Home Limited 02667211 Leeming Bar Services Limited 00688854 XANA Limited 07276364 Advanced Systems & Training Limited John Walker Engineering Company Limited WINDING UP BY THE COURT Enviro-Build NE Ltd 08293248 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 909 of 2014 Filmshield UK Limited 06818683 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 513 of 2015 Spriing Digital Media Limited 08184855 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 862 of 2014 Spriing Enterprises Ltd 07602456 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 388 of 2015 The Ceramic Arts Studio Limited 06706382 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 554 of 2014 SCHEDULE 1D CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Apache Vehicle Solutions Limited AST Communications Ltd 09620778 Blaydon Exotics Limited 07963603 Coastal Meats Limited 08978320 Crest Global Automotive UK Ltd 06776240 GAB Entertainments Ltd 08898767 Gallons Corner Limited 09480885 Just Juels Jewellers Ltd 08287313 Kenlow Limited Meze Lounge (Middlesbrough) Limited Microbac Analytica Limited 08899468 Microbac Limited 07253345 Paul Rafferty Limited 02230184 Pearlplace Limited 04648883 Pic-cha Limited 03143266 RJ & MC 07850295 Haulage Limited 06877192 Stuart Wilson Electrical Limited 05039098 Wallis & Wallis Ltd 06157743 MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Co-CS Limited 08096971 Dynamic Decision Making Limited 08056937 Index Developments Limited 09121069 Nutech Staff Consultants (Middlesbrough) Limited W.P. Elford (Nottingham) Limited 01165632 SCHEDULE 2 CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Fred Hall & Sons Limited 00271479 Get Carter Express Freight Limited Hibbitts Electrical Limited 06316990 Jamies Roofing and Property Services Limited Joe Rooney (Floors & Ceilings) Limited Kelvingrove Consulting Limited 07310631 Koru Property Services Limited 04600381 Mowcar Construction Limited 04303450 Nettlesworth Associates Ltd 09361782 Pecan Design Limited 04687274 RCL Industries Limited 03141566 Rombus Computers Ltd 01815922 Shildon and Darlington Training Limited Southwick & Whiteley Ltd 08338562 Stone Machinery (UK) Limited 07078894 Toys Direct Limited 06525292 Wilbar Engineering Ltd 05024319 MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Belmangate Engineering Services Limited Cochrane Shipbuilders Limited 01238089 Svitzer Humber Limited 00524008 Svitzer SPC4 Limited 05472015 Svitzer Towage Limited 00024907 Wynyard Limited 04985800 WINDING UP BY THE COURT Appletree Investments Limited 02040452 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 1772 of 2015 Redcar & Cleveland Money Tree & Glen Credit Union Limited IP00743 Chancery Division Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry 871 of 2014 SCHEDULE 3 CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS Buckle & Jones Decorating Limited Northern Hydraulic Cylinder Engineers Limited Whizzbang3D Productions Ltd 08934673 MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIONS North East Telecom Consultants Limited INFORMATION REQUIRED REGARDING THE OWNER(S) OF LAND AT SUGDEN END, OFF HALIFAX ROAD, HAWORTH. Anyone with information please contact: Paragon Highways, Unit 2, The Office Campus, Paragon Business Park, Red Hall Court, Wakefield, WF1 2UY or Tel: 01924 291536. Please respond within 28 days. ABSENTEE LANDLORD Missing Landlord Mr Colin N. Baillie formally of 103 Raglan Gardens, Oxhey Hall, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 4LJ, please contact Lena Sefeldin and Samy Sefeldin, Lessees of flats 20b and 20a Blackwell Drive, Oxhey, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 4HW c/o Peter Christie (Ref PSC/BD20) 07880 565086 [email protected]. We are trying to trace you as we are seeking to purchase the Freehold of 20 Blackwell Drive. CHANGES IN CAPITAL STRUCTURE Corporate insolvency NOTICES OF DIVIDENDS REDEMPTION OR PURCHASE OF OWN SHARES OUT OF CAPITAL

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